Friday, 13 February 2009

(Angolan) Guns and Roses

We've had another email from Will in South Africa - we think he's keeping us so well informed we're letting him post in future, direct to the blog....

I hope the snow and bad weather has finally cleared up and spring is on the way. Everything here is very good if a little hot per usual.

Monday, I finally met and started work with Adam Harrower, he had recently been on a trip to Angola which is botanically almost unknown. I helped him out with sorting things out and visited the Herbarium. I then helped him with his Greenhouse as it has been left for quite awhile and needed a spring cleaning.

Tuesday, I was with Adam again and he showed me the pictures from his trip which were extraordinary, lots of war wreckage mixed with beautiful wildlife. I then carried on cleaning his Greenhouse and collecting some seeds.

On Wednesday, I worked with the students propagating, Enock one of the propagators walked us around so we could take cuttings of plants like
Mimetes Fimbriifolius, Leucospermum Cordifolium, Leucospermum Reflexum and lots of the Proteaceae
family. We then propagated them and did some potting up.

On Thursday, we did the same thing but with a different man named Johan and we did more semi-wood shrubs like
Orphium Serratus and Hermizygia Canescens
. We then took cuttings, propagated them & placed them in the misting room.

Finally on Friday, I helped my house mate Karen who is a scholar from University Redo with the kiosk, the kiosk being a collection of plants which are flowering at the moment. It was hot work but looked pretty good afterwards. We then did the second ID test on
and did the walk around the garden for the next test.

Best wishes


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